present simple interrogative 1 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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present simple interrogative 1

Esercizi > Verbi > Il presente
Esercizio 1

Esercizio 1

Inserisci la forma interrogativa corretta del presente semplice, trasformando la frase da affermativa in interrogativa, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
Es.: You eat spaghetti at dinner. Do you eat spaghetti at dinner?
This wind bends the trees.
this wind the trees?
Marianne manipulates her husband.
Marianne her husband?
A hurricane capsizes the boats.
a hurricane the boats?
Paul empties his garage every year.
Paul his garage every year?
Your dad hides the Christmas presents under the bed.
your dad the Christmas presents under the bed?
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Kristina when she isn’t sure about the answer?
This beach retreats more and more every year.
this beach more and more every year?
Julia shivers when she listens to Bruce Springsteen.
Julia when she listens to Bruce Springsteen?
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this shopkeeper the pavement in front of his shop?
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Craig on that stone?
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