present simple interrogative 3 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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present simple interrogative 3

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Esercizio 3

Esercizio 3

Inserisci la forma interrogativa corretta del presente semplice, trasformando la frase da affermativa in interrogativa, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
Es.: You eat spaghetti at dinner. Do you eat spaghetti at dinner?
Paul awards the best player on the team every year.
Paul the best player on the team every year?
Molly conducts the tourist around the city.
Molly the tourist around the city?
Paul divides his energy between family and work.
Paul his energy between family and work?
You grate some parmesan on the spaghetti.
you some parmesan on the spaghetti?
Clement marches at weekends.
Clement at weekends?
Kevin perfects his French every day.
Kevin his French every day?
A son reverses your lifestyle.
a son your lifestyle?
This food processor simplifies mum’s life.
this food processor mum’s life?
Kelly treads on my feet when she dances.
Kelly on your feet when she dances?
Clyde wanders along the beach n winter.
Clyde along the beach in winter?
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