present simple interrogative 4 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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present simple interrogative 4

Esercizi > Verbi > Il presente
Esercizio 4

Esercizio 4

Inserisci la forma interrogativa corretta del presente semplice, trasformando la frase da affermativa in interrogativa, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
Es.: You eat spaghetti at dinner. Do you eat spaghetti at dinner?
They arrive at six o’clock.
they at six o’clock?
Helen contributes money for charities.
Helen money for charities?
You drink a lot.
you a lot?
They give their mother a rose every week.
they their mother a rose every week?
Peter limits the amount of salt he has to eat.
Peter the amount of salt he has to eat?
Your husband mashes the potatoes.
your husband the potatoes?
This college prepares students for a career in business.
this college students for a career in business?
The thermometer registers 37 C
the thermometer 37 C?
This software sorts all the emails you receive.
this software all the emails you receive?
His horse trots along the track for five hours every day.
his horse along the track for five hours every day?
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