present simple negative 6 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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present simple negative 6

Esercizi > Verbi > Il presente
Esercizio 6

Esercizio 6

Inserisci la forma negativa corretta del presente semplice, trasformando la frase da affermativa in negativa, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
Es.: Peter flies to London every week. Peter does not fly to London every week.
His behaviour arouses the suspicions of the policeman.
His behaviour the policeman's suspicions.
Ten people compose the committee.
Ten people the committee.
The bridge closure disrupts the bus services.
The bridge closure the bus services.
Dad fishes on Tuesday.
Dad on Tuesday.
Arthur leaves at five o’clock.
Arthur at five o’clock.
Clinton pitches his tent near the river.
Clinton his tent near the river.
In that kind of trip, we ration food.
In that kind of trip, we food.
Cassius sings opera songs.
Cassius opera songs.
My feet swell when I walk too much.
My feet when I walk too much.
Austin trains four times a week for the Olympic Games.
Austin four times a week for the Olympic Games.
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