Esercizi frasi relative determinative e non determinative 1 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 1

Frasi relative determinative e non determinative - Defining and Non Defining relative clauses

Riscrivi le due frasi in un'unica frase relativa. Le frasi relative descrittive (defining) o non descrittive (non defining). Attenzione all'uso, nelle frasi relative non descrittive, delle virgole.
Poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
The Smiths built a house. It was the tallest in the area.
The Smiths .

The Quirinale Palace is in the centre of Rome. The President of the Italian Republic lives there.
The Quirinale Palace.

Mario bought the table. It cost 500 euros
Mario .

My grandfather goes swimming every day. He is 88.
My grandfather.

The ties are awful. My friend Bob wears them.
The ties .

That girl over there is an architect. I don't remember her name.
That girl over there.

The horse came in last. You were telling me about it yesterday.
The horse .

My motorbike has never broken down. It is over thirty years old.
My motorbike.

I called the friend. You met the friend last week.
I called .

Hamlet is a tragedy. It was written by Shakespeare.
Hamlet, .
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