Past perfect continuous - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Past Perfect Continous

Forma Affermativa

Forma Negativa
Forma Interrogativa



I had been playing

I had not been playing

I hadn't been playing

Had I been playing?

You had been playing

You had not been playing

You hadn't been playing

Had you been playing?

He had been playing

He had not been playing

He hadn't been playing

Had he been playing?

She had been playing

She had not been playing

She hadn't been playing

Had she been playing?

It had been playing

It had not been playing

It hadn't been playing

Had it beenplaying?

We had been playing

We had not been playing

We hadn't been playing

Had we been playing?

You had been playing

You had not been playing

You hadn't been playing

Had you beenplaying?

They had been playing

They had not been playing

They hadn't been playing

Had they been playing?

Forma Interrogativa-Negativa

Risposte brevi - Short answers
Hadn't I been playing?
Yes, I had
No, I had not/hadn't

Hadn't you playing?

Yes, you had
No, you had not/hadn't

Hadn't he playing?

Yes, he had
No, he had not/hadn't

Hadn't she playing?

Yes, she had
No, she had not/hadn't

Hadn't it playing?

Yes, it had
No, it had not/hadn't

Hadn't we playing?

Yes, we had
No, we had not/hadn't

Hadn't you playing?

Yes, you had
No, you had not/hadn't

Hadn't they playing?

Yes, they had
No, they had not/hadn't

Quando si usa il Past Perfect Continuous

Il Past Perfect Continuous è un tempo verbale usato per esprimere un'azione che aveva avuto inizio nel passato e che è continuata fino a un altro punto nel passato, spesso influenzando o correlando con un'altra azione. Questo tempo verbale è particolarmente utile per enfatizzare la durata di un'azione o uno stato prima di un evento specifico.

  • Durata fino a un certo punto nel passato: Per descrivere un'azione in corso che si è protratta fino a un certo momento nel passato.
He had been working there for five years before he got promoted.         Lavorava lì da cinque anni prima di essere promosso.
  • Causa di un evento nel passato: Spesso utilizzato per spiegare la causa di una condizione o di un evento nel passato.
She was tired because she had been studying all night.             Era stanca perché aveva studiato tutta la notte.
  • Enfasi sulla durata dell'azione: Utilizzato per mettere in evidenza quanto tempo un'azione era in corso prima di un certo punto.
By the time the concert ended, they had been playing for three hours.   Quando il concerto finì, avevano suonato per tre ore

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