Past continuous - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Il past continuous si costruisce con il past simple del verbo BE (ausiliare) seguito dalla forma in -ing del verbo che indica l'azione

Past Continuous

Forma Affermativa
Forma Negativa
Forma Interrogativa

I was playing
I was not playing
I wasn't playing
Was I playing?
You were playing
You were not playing
You weren't playing
Were you playing?
He was playing
He was not playing
He wasn't playing
Was he playing?
She was playing
She was not playing
She wasn't playing
Was she playing?
It was playing
It was not playing
It wasn't playing
Was it playing?
We were playing
We were not playing
We weren't playing
Were we playing?
You were playing
You were not playing
You weren't playing
Were you playing?
They were playing
They were not playing
They weren't playing
Were they playing?
Forma Interrogativa-Negativa
Risposte brevi - Short answers
Wasn't I playing?
Yes, I was
No, I was not/wasn't
Weren't you playing?
Yes, you were
No, you were not/weren't
Wasn't he playing?
Yes, he was
No, he was not/wasn't
Wasn't she playing?
Yes, she was
No, she was not/wasn't
Wasn't it playing?
Yes, it was
No, it was not/wasn't
Weren't we playing?
Yes, we were
No, we were not/weren't
Weren't you playing?
Yes, you were
No, you were not/weren't
Weren't they playing?
Yes, they were
No, they were not/weren't


Il past continuous si usa per:
  • Segnalare un'azione che stava avvenendo in un preciso momento nel passato.
       I was jogging at 6 a.m. this morning.    Stavo facendo jogging stamattina alle 6.
  • Presentare due azioni che si stavano svolgendo simultaneamente nel passato.
       While Maria was cooking, I was setting the table. Mentre Maria cucinava, io preparavo la tavola.
  • Evidenziare un'azione che si ripeteva continuamente nel passato e che era irritante o fastidiosa.
      (La forma affermativa + always: equivale alla struttura italiana "continuava a...").
     I was annoyed with her because she was always complaining.   Ero seccata con lei perché si lamentava sempre.
  • Descrivere il contesto o la situazione in cui è accaduto qualcosa in una narrazione.
       It was a wonderful evening. The stars were twinkling, and the crickets were chirping.
       Era una serata meravigliosa. Le stelle scintillavano e i grilli frinivano.

Similmente al present continuous, anche il past continuous è una forma progressiva e si utilizza con i verbi d'azione (non con i verbi di stato). Con i verbi di stato, si può usare could/couldn't seguito dalla forma base del verbo.

Le congiunzioni when (quando) e while (mentre) introducono entrambe proposizioni subordinate, ma differiscono nel loro uso. L'azione prolungata, espressa al past continuous, può essere introdotta da while, when o as, con il significato di 'mentre'. L'azione breve, espressa al past simple, può essere introdotta solo da when.

I saw Julia when she was driving her mum's car
When I saw Julia she was driving her mum's car

La proposizione subordinata può seguire la principale oppure precederla. Se precede la principale, si inserisce una virgola tra le due: When my brother came home, we were all having dinner in the kitchen.

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