Presente progressivo/ present continuous - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Present continuous - Present progressive
Presente progressivo

Interrogativa -Negativa
Non contratta
Non contratta
I am cooking
I'm cooking
I am not cooking
I'm not cooking
Am I cooking?
Aren't I cooking?
You are cooking
You're cooking
You are not cooking
You're not cooking
Are you cooking?
Aren't you cooking?
He is cooking
He's cooking
He is not cooking
He's not cooking
Is he cooking?
Isn't he cooking?
She is cooking
She's cooking
She is not cooking
She's not cooking
Is she cooking?
Isn't she cooking?
It is cooking
It's cooking
It is not cooking
It's not cooking
Is it cooking?
Isn't Iit cooking?
We are cooking
We're cooking
We are not cooking
We're not cooking
Are we cooking?
Aren't we cooking?
You are cooking
You're cooking
You are not cooking
You're not cooking
Are you cooking?
Aren't you cooking?
They are cooking
They're cooking
They are not cooking
They're not cooking
Are they cooking?
Aren't they cooking?
Short answer negativa
No, I'm not
No, you/we/you/they aren't
No, he/she/it isn't
Short answer affermativa (mai contratta)
No, I am
No, you/we/you/they are
No, he/she/it is

Il present continuous o present progressive (presente progressivo) è solitamente usato in inglese:

  • Per parlare di azioni che avvengono nel momento in cui si parla (o si scrive)    The plane is landing

  • Per parlare di cose che avvengono in questo periodo anche se non proprio nel momento in cui si parla (o si scrive), ma che sono in qualche modo diverse dalle azioni solite dalle normali abitudini

   What are you doing these days? I'm working  with my mother.

  • Per descrivere figure e fotografie   Look! In this photo Mary's dancing with Paul

  • Per  parlare di cambiamenti e orientamenti.          These days, a lot of people are going to Mario's

Il present continuous è spesso accompagnato da espressioni temporali che indicano il tempo presente o il periodo attuale. Eccone alcune:
Now (adesso, ora)                             She is reading a book now.                     He is cooking dinner right now.
At the moment (al momento)            They are watching TV at the moment.     I am working on a project at the moment.
Currently (attualmente)                     She is currently studying for her exams.   He is currently working from home.
Right now (proprio adesso)                We are having dinner right now.              You are listening to music right now.
These days (in questi giorni)               They are traveling a lot these days.          I am learning French these days.
Nowadays (oggigiorno, al giorno d’oggi)   People are using social media a lot nowadays.  He is eating healthier nowadays.
This week/month/year (questa settimana/mese/anno)
She is working extra hours this week.  We are visiting our grandparents this month.   He is taking a break from work this year.
Today (oggi)                        I am meeting my friend today.          They are shopping for groceries today.

Per esprimere fastidio e irritazione  per qualcosa che avviene molto frequentemente. In questo caso è accompagnato sempre da always

   John is always going to Mary's

Nota bene
Il present continuous/progressive non si può usare con tutti i verbi ma soltanto con i verbi di azione, non con i verbi di stato (state verbs).
Il present continuous è formato dal presente del verbo to be seguito dalla forma in -ing del verbo principale.

Per fare la forma in -ing basta aggiungere la desinenza -ING alla forma base del verbo:
cook + ing = cooking        go + ing = going

Però spesso l'aggiunta della desinenza -ing alla forma base del verbo comporta alcune modificazioni ortografiche.

1. Raddoppio della consonante finale:
Verbi monosillabici che terminano con una sola consonante preceduta da una sola vocale:
run → running            He is running fast to catch the bus.
sit → sitting                She is sitting in the front row.

Nota bene!!!
peel → peeling (due vocali prima della consonante finale)       "They are peeling potatoes."
paint painting (due consonanti finali)                                     "They are painting their kitchen."

Non raddoppia con i verbi che terminano in -w, e -x
Saw sawing          I am sawing the wood for our new deck.        Fix fixing        She is fixing her bike.

Verbi bisillabici con accento sulla seconda sillaba, che terminano con una sola consonante preceduta da una sola vocale:
admit → admitting      He is admitting his mistake.
permit → permitting     They are permitting the use of mobile phones in the meeting.
begin → beginning       The concert is beginning right now.

suffer → suffering (accento sulla prima sillaba)                           He is suffering from a headache.
repeat → repeating (due vocali prima della consonante finale)     She is repeating the instructions.
report → reporting (due consonanti finali)                                 They are reporting the weather forecast.

2. Verbi che terminano in -L preceduta da una sola vocale (solo nell'inglese britannico):
travel → travelling (US: traveling)                 They are travelling to Spain this summer.
cancel → cancelling (US: canceling)              She is cancelling her appointment.
label → labelling (US: labeling)                     He is labelling the boxes for storage.
model → modelling (US: modeling)               She is modelling for a fashion show.
signal → signalling (US: signaling)                The driver is signalling to turn left.

feel → feeling (due vocali prima della consonante finale)        He is feeling much better now.

Però i verbi dial e fuel, dove la -L è preceduta due due vocali si raddoppia comunque la - L (sempre nell'inglese britannico)
Dial → dialling     She is dialling her friend's number to catch up after a long time.
Fuel → fuelling   They are fuelling their car before the long road trip.

3. Eliminazione della -e nei verbi che terminano in -e muta:
come → coming                                                       She is coming to the party tonight.
leave → leaving (la -e non viene pronunciata)              They are leaving for vacation tomorrow.

see → seeing (la -e viene pronunciata)                        He is seeing the doctor today.
be → being (la -e viene pronunciata)                           She is being very kind.

4. Il dittongo finale -ie si trasforma in y:
lie → lying                                                 He is lying on the couch.
die → dying                                               The plant is dying without water.
5. La -y finale non si modifica quando si aggiunge -ing:
cry → crying                                             The baby is crying loudly.
study → studying                                     She is studying for her exams.
buy → buying                                              They are buying groceries.
stay → staying                                             He is staying at a hotel.

6. I verbi che terminano in - c si aggiunge -k prima di aggiungere - ing
Traffic → trafficking            He is trafficking goods across the border legally as part of his business operations.
Picnic → picnicking             We are picnicking by the lake this weekend, hoping for sunny weather.
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