Esercizi frasi relative determinative e non determinative 5 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 5

Frasi relative determinative e non determinative - Defining and Non Defining relative clauses

Riscrivi le due frasi in un'unica frase relativa. Le frasi relative descrittive (defining) o non descrittive (non defining). Attenzione all'uso, nelle frasi relative non descrittive, delle virgole.
Poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
This is the car. It was repaired yesterday.
This is .

Her story sounds hard to believe. It happens to be true.
Her story.

This is the boy. His mother is from Russia.
This is .

A doctor has great responsibility. His patients trust him.
A doctor.

Dublin is my favourite city. It is the capital of Ireland

The guy was angry. The guy drove the car.
The guy .

These peaches are very sour. I bought them yesterday.
These peaches.

The girl was very tall. She was speaking to us.
The girl .

That building was built in the 1920s. John lives there.
That building.

The boy was very young. The boy gave her the money
The boy .
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