have espressioni idiomatiche 10 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line

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Esercizio 10

Esercizio 10

Espressioni idiomatiche have
Inserisci do, does, has, have, don't have o doesn't have, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
We lunch in the park when the weather is nice.
Margareth (not) dinner with her parents on Sundays.
you a drive on Sundays?
I a snack in the afternoon.
they a ride on a scooter to school?
Mike (not) supper because he eats early.
John usually a drink of water before bed.
you a bath to relax?
Peter (not) a ride on a bicycle in the city.
you breakfast with your family every morning?
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