Past participle 2
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Past participle 2
Completa il cruciverba, poi clicca su "Check" per controllare la tua risposta. Se ti sei bloccato, è possibile fare clic su "hint" per ottenere una lettera. Fai clic su un numero nella griglia per vedere la definizione o le definizioni per quel numero.
1. What is the past participle of the verb break? 3. What is the past participle of the verb swim? 5. What is the past participle of the verb fall? 7. What is the past participle of the verb understand? 9. What is the past participle of the verb build? 10. What is the past participle of the verb write? 11. What is the past participle of the verb begin? 12. What is the past participle of the verb choose? 15. What is the past participle of the verb teach? 17. What is the past participle of the verb do?
2. What is the past participle of the verb run? 4. What is the past participle of the verb make? 5. What is the past participle of the verb forget? 6. What is the past participle of the verb leave? 8. What is the past participle of the verb drive? 12. What is the past participle of the verb cost? 13. What is the past participle of the verb speak? 14. What is the past participle of the verb put? 16. What is the past participle of the verb have?
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