Past perfect continuous negative 8 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 8

Esercizio 8

Inserisci la forma negativa corretta del past perfect continuous, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
The novelist (develop) her plot before the workshop.
They (explore) other markets before the downturn.
She (practice) her lines before the rehearsals started.
He (calculate) risks before the project began.
We (enjoy) our previous holiday destinations before discovering camping.
They (negotiate) before the third party got involved.
She (update) her blog regularly before she monetized it.
I (follow) that routine before the challenge.
He (mow) his lawn regularly before the neighbor complained.
We (consider) all the implications before making the decision.
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