Past perfect continuous short answers 2 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 2

Esercizio 2

Inserisci le short answers corrette del past perfect continuous, per le risposte negative usa la forma contratta, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
Had the artist been painting that mural before the festival? Yes, .
Had we been looking for a new apartment before the prices went up? No, .
Had the chefs been preparing the special menu for weeks? Yes, .
Had she been teaching at that school long before it closed? No, .
Had they been living here before the renovation? Yes, .
Had he been reading the novel before the meeting? No, .
Had I been showing any improvement before the therapy? Yes, .
Had the gardener been tending the roses before the storm? No, .
Had they been planning their vacation before the offer expired? Yes, .
Had she been jogging regularly before the marathon? No, .
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