Past perfect continuous short answers 3 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 3

Esercizio 3

Inserisci le short answers corrette del past perfect continuous, per le risposte negative usa la forma contratta, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
Had the musicians been rehearsing together before the tour started? Yes, .
Had we been considering other options before choosing this one? No, .
Had he been sleeping well before the exam? Yes, .
Had the students been participatingin extra-curricular activities before the cuts? No, .
Had she been using this method before the workshop? Yes, .
Had they been traveling internationally before they got married? No, .
Had I been meditating effectively before the retreat? Yes, .
Had he been expecting a promotion before the announcement? No, .
Had we been encountering any major issues before the merger? Yes, .
Had she been investing time in her startup before it took off? No, .
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