Past perfect continuous short answers 4 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 4

Esercizio 4

Inserisci le short answers corrette del past perfect continuous, per le risposte negative usa la forma contratta, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
Had the journalist been covering the story long before it broke? Yes, .
Had they been saving up for the trip before the prices increased? No, .
Had he been training for the competition before he got selected? Yes, .
Had we been planning this event before the budget approval? No, .
Had the scientists been researching this area before the grant was awarded? Yes, .
Had she been teaching at the university before the accreditation? No, .
Had they been getting along before they moved in together? Yes, .
Had I been trying hard enough before the evaluation? No, .
Had he been taking care of his health before the medical checkup? Yes, .
Had we been discussing the merger before the leak to the media? No, .
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