Past perfect continuous short answers 5 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 5

Esercizio 5

Inserisci le short answers corrette del past perfect continuous, per le risposte negative usa la forma contratta, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
Had the director been considering that location before the scouting? Yes, .
Had they been cooperating effectively before the project succeeded? No, .
Had she been avoiding that responsibility before the audit? Yes, .
Had he been checking the system regularly before the failure? No, .
Had we been observing compliance before the inspection? Yes, .
Had they been experiencing difficulties before the upgrade? No, .
Had she been engaging with the community before the campaign? Yes, .
Had I been participating fully before the rewards? No, .
Had he been appreciating the job before the raise? Yes, .
Had we been receiving the support before the crisis? No, .
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