Past perfect simple vs past perfect continuous 4 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 4

Esercizio 4

Inserisci il past perfect simple o il simple past, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
She (learn) to ski before the family trip to the mountains.
They (paint) the house for days when the bad weather stopped them.
He (repair) the computer before he discovered another issue.
I (call) customer service for an hour when I got through to a representative.
She (study) the rules before she played the game.
They (discuss) the terms of the deal for weeks when they finally agreed.
He (book) the flight before he canceled his trip.
We (eat) dinner when the power went out.
She (write) the letter when she decided not to send it.
They (work) on the renovation when they found historical artifacts in their yard.
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