past simple affirmative irregular upper intermediate 19 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizi > Verbi > Il Passato > Past simple & past continuous
Esercizio 19

Esercizio 19

Inserisci la forma affermativa corretta del past simple, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
They (bear) his body to the tomb.
His health (forbid) it.
They (seek) to sell their house last year.
That accident (cost) him a visit to the doctor.
Sarah (speed) away.
Melvin (strike) his head on the door.
Kate (tread) a dangerous path.
The news (run) from house to house.
Duncan (swim) when he was (be) a boy.
The police (fight) off the demonstrator.
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