Preposizioni di moto 28 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 28

Esercizio 28

Inserisci la preposizione corretta: Get on - Get off - Get onto - Get in - Get into - Get out of, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
They got the lift and pressed the button for the top floor.
Make sure you get the subway before the doors close.
The passengers got the large ship docked at the harbor.
They got the sailboat and onto the sandy beach to explore the island.
When you get the escalator, stand on the right to let others pass on the left.
Make sure to get the right car; ours is the blue one.
He got and shut the door before the rain started.
He got the golf cart for a tour around the resort.
He got the delivery van, ready to start his first day on the job.
After a relaxing ride, she got the hot air balloon feeling a little dizzy.
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