Preposizioni di moto 29 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 29

Esercizio 29

Inserisci la preposizione corretta: Get on - Get off - Get onto - Get in - Get into - Get out of, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
During rush hour, it's hard to get the tram because it's so full.
After touring the city, he got the tram at the museum stop.
The tourists got the tour bus to take photos of the monument.
The cat got the small basket and curled up for a nap.
He got the moving sidewalk to reach his gate faster.
Get the boat gently to avoid rocking it too much.
They got the elevator on the wrong floor and had to go back.
He got the building just as it started to rain.
He got the subway and immediately felt the rush of cold air.
They got the floating platform to start their scuba diving lesson.
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