present simple interrogative negative 7 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 7

Esercizio 7

Inserisci la forma interrogativa-negativa corretta del presente semplice, trasformando la frase affermativa, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
Es.: You eat spaghetti at dinner. Don't you eat spaghetti at dinner?
Flight AZ976 for Rome boards at Gate 24.
Flight AZ976 for Rome at Gate 24?
You cooperate with John.
you with John?
Kendrick debates about politics with his friends.
Kendrick about politics with his friends?
Stromboli erupts regularly.
Stromboli regularly?
This lens magnifies objects.
this lens objects?
Nicole pronounces Chinese well.
Nicole Chinese well?
The earth revolves around the sun.
the earth around the sun?
Her dog rolls in the grass.
her dog in the grass?
Mum sprinkles this cake with pistachio cream.
mum this cake with pistachio cream?
Glenn views a car before buying it.
Glenn a car before buying it?
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