Reported questions present perfect 10 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 10

Esercizio 10

Trasforma la domande al discorso indiretto modificando gli elementi che cambiano, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
Has Peter thawed after a few glasses of good wine?
Phil asked me after a few glasses of good wine.
Has Mark switched over teaching?
Eddie asked me over teaching.
Have you supposed his interference?
Ester asked me his interference.
Has Martin blessed everyone in the church?
Paula asked me everyone in the church.
Have you shopped for a new dress?
Sabrina asked me for a new dress.
Have you selected the music for the party?
Mrs. Cage asked me the music for the party.
Have they changed the password of their email?
Tim asked me the password of email.
Have you ever planned a trip to Africa?
Louise asked me a trip to Africa.
Has this proposal tickled you?
Ralph asked me d .
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