Reported speech past simple 6 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 6

Esercizio 6

Trasforma la frase al discorso indiretto modificando gli elementi che cambiano al discorso indiretto, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
The horses hauled the wagon.
The farmer said (that) the horses the wagon.
I persisted in my search of the truth.
John said (that) in search of the truth.
The guards patrolled the entrance of the building.
The news said (that) the guards the entrance of the building.
He released my arm.
Patty said (that) arm.
The mosquitoes bit my legs all the afternoon.
John said (that) the mosquitoes legs all the afternoon.
The boat floated down the river.
John said (that) the boat down the river.
I closed the deal with a handshake.
Peter said (that) the deal with a handshake.
The bank granted me a loan.
Mia said (that) the bank a loan.
That weather depressed me.
John said (that) weather .
I took after my mother.
Julie said (that) after mother.
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