Reported speech past simple 8 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 8

Esercizio 8

Trasforma la frase al discorso indiretto modificando gli elementi che cambiano al discorso indiretto, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
Sheila scrubbed the counter down with bleach.
Jean said (that) the counter down with bleach.
The wheel sank into the mud.
Patrick said (that) the wheel into the mud.
A ghost haunted this old house.
People said (that) a ghost old house.
A hungry crocodile devoured its prey.
Jim said (that) a hungry crocodile its prey.
I undertook to finish my job next Friday.
Jimmy said (that) to finish job the Friday.
We reformed the immigration law.
Some MPs said (that) the immigration law.
Our team avoided defeat in the semi-final.
The coach said (that) team defeat in the semi-final.
I snapped a twig off a bush.
Peter said (that) a twig off a bush.
I smelt danger.
The guide said (that) danger.
I disliked being away from my family.
Mel said (that) being away from family.
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