Reported speech present continuous 5 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 5

Esercizio 5

Trasforma la frase al discorso indiretto modificando le parti della frase che devono essere cambiate, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
The jeep is sinking into the quicksand.
Kevin said (that) the jeep into the quicksand.
I am dying for a glass of water.
Uncle John said (that) for a glass of water.
We are pinpointing the location on the map.
They said (that) the location on the map.
A missing document is complicating Mr. Bean's situation.
The spokesman said (that) a missing document Mr. Bean's situation.
My husband is mashing the potatoes.
Anita said (that) husband the potatoes.
Francesca is skipping down the pavement.
Dad said (that) Francesca down the pavement.
Sting is composing a new song.
The news said (that) Sting a new song.
They are founding a new club.
The Simpsons said (that) a new club.
My aunt is laying the table.
John said (that) aunt the table.
The agreement is binding me to repay the debt.
Tom said (that) the agreement to repay the debt.
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