Reported speech present perfect simple 2 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizi > Discorso indiretto
Esercizio 2

Esercizio 2

Trasforma la frase al discorso indiretto modificando gli elementi che cambiano al discorso indiretto, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
We have come a long way in the last five years.
They said (that) a long way in the five years .
My decision has cost me some problems at work.
Philip said (that) decision some problems at work.
We have cut the amount of time we spend on the phone.
They said (that) the amount of time on the phone.
I have just bought a house.
Alice said (that) just a house.
The plan has drawn a lot of criticism.
Betty said (that) the plan a lot of criticism.
I have dreamt about you lately.
Tom said (that) about lately.
I have drunk too much yesterday.
Kevin said (that) too much the day .
I have driven for Ferrari since 2010.
Susan said (that) for Ferrari since 2010.
I have never eaten Japanese food.
Betty said (that) never Japanese food.
I have fallen silent since I saw her.
Bob said (that) silent since her.
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