Reported speech present perfect simple 8 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line
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Esercizio 8

Esercizio 8

Trasforma la frase al discorso indiretto modificando gli elementi che cambiano al discorso indiretto, poi premi il tasto "Controlla" per verificare le tue risposte.
We have understood his intentions.
They said (that) intentions.
I have stood close to Martin for hours.
Helen said (that) close to Martin for hours.
I have broken my front door.
Robert said (that) front door.
I have chosen the right moment.
Kevin said (that) the right moment.
The pupils have just drawn some circles.
The teacher said (that) the pupils just some circles.
I have found a pair of gloves on the ground.
Mr. Brown said (that) a pair of gloves on the ground.
The roots of a fir tree have grown into the wall.
The gardener said (that) the roots of a fir tree into the wall.
The long strike has put back production.
The newspaper said (that) the long strike back production.
I have told anybody about the matter.
James said (that) anybody about the matter.
I have been at the cinema before.
Susan said (that) at the cinema before.
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